囧次元动漫 https://www.9ciyuan.com/
When I was younger ,I thought that to love one`s self was vanity and not a virtuous trait
As I have grown older ,that belief has passed away ,as have so many others.There is vast deviation between being vain lovs one`self.
We are all in this world together striving for more or less the same things.To contribute and have our lives connt for somethings.To loved and be loved,To laugh and …yes,to cry.
We seek shelter,nourishment,a mate,warmth,clothing,family,friends;We seek approval,love and self-esteem.We are all imprefect.Ofent during ourserach we forget to simply emjoy what life is,We become so caught up in what could have been,what should be,what might be,that many our days are lost.Let for today ,hope and dream for your tomorrows.