Sept 11
The very morning of Sept 11, 2001, I was still sleeping in my apartment in downtown Manhattan.
  My brother-in-law came over and exclaimed:"Twin tower is falling!"
  With a unclear mind, I muttered:"Ah? Oh."
  I didn’t bother to pay any more attention to what he said.
  Couple of hours later, he came back and shooting:"Both towers are down!"
  By that time, I’m awake, but without much memory of what he talked me earlier.
  "What? What you say? You are kidding me!" That’s my first real response upon the news.
  I got an appointment with a local company located in one the twin tower that day. Luckily, it’s scheduled at a late morning time, either 11 am or 11:30 am, thus I stayed a full piece in that crazy day.
  I consider myself to be a somewhat M.A.P. person. The acronyms stand for the three shortcomings: Misanthropy (hatred and/or distrust of humans), Apathy (not caring), and Procrastination (putting off or delay needlessly). I didn’t really care much about others’ pain, as long as the pain or the sufferer doesn’t come to me.
  On the following days, though, I started growing hatred toward those attackers. Reason? Simple, they left a nasty smelling here.
  I’ve never ever been at a battlefield. But I figure the smelling New York City,especially the downtown district, possessed at that time is not different from a battlefield. With over a thousand people died and buried under fallen buildings, the smelling is disgusting at best.
  I am not smelling-sensitive; matter of a fact, I’m hard-nosed for suffering several different rhinitis since childhood. While I can ignore the odor of sadness from the suffered, there is no escape of the dead smell. I’m a living, so I have to breathe, to breathe the dead for the months following.
  Putting in short, if I were capable of casting an apocalypse magic spell to destroy those Arabian wastes, I’d be more than happy to do so. Just as I’d like to do it to Japan.
  While I agree with casting a war and destroying their men and land as Mr. Bush, short for bullshit, proposed, but he definitely has gone too far on it.


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