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Kidney transplant reunites divorcing couple
ALLENTOWN, Pennsylvania (AP) — A couple who grew apart and had agreed to split up were reunited by a life-threatening crisis.
ALLENTOWN 宾夕法尼亚 (美联社) — 由于这起威胁到丈夫生命的事情的发生,这对原本打算分手的夫妇又破镜重圆了。
After more than 10 years of marriage, Chip and Cindy Altemos agreed about 5 years ago to separate, see other people, and begin divorce proceedings. But when 48-year-old Chip was hospitalized with kidney failure in September, Cindy, 49, offered him one of hers.
The two, of South Whitehall Township, agreed to separate because of "all the woes and troubles" they brought from previous marriages.
But Cindy Altemos, on the verge of being Chip’s ex-wife, said this week: "He was still my husband."
但是即便Cindy Altemos即将和她的丈夫离婚,本周她仍说:“他还是我的丈夫。”
As a former phlebotomist who had worked with renal patients, Cindy Altemos said she knew "exactly what he was up against," and had long thought he would eventually need a transplant because he had had juvenile diabetes. When they married she had promised to be a donor.
作为一个和肾病病人打过交道的前医生,Cindy Altemos十分清楚她丈夫所将要面对的。因为她丈夫年轻时就患有糖尿病,他很早就需要换肾了。而且当他们结婚时,她曾保证捐献一个肾给他。
"There was no way I could walk around with two kidneys and he had none," she said. "It was the right thing to do."
The transplant took place February 21.
Chip Altemos said his wife’s gesture put an end to his new relationship and to talk of divorce. The two will be married 17 years in October.
Chip Altemos说他妻子的行为使得他们破镜重圆,他已和他的新女友分手。这对夫妇在17年前的10月结的婚。
"We’re still together," he said. "I guess just being around each other, we slowly fell back in love again."